Logging Into the PAS
From the dropdown arrow in the top left hand corner, select “SWITCH MODULE”
Click here to switch module to the PAS System
To Begin Setting Up Your Appraisal Form, go to the Appraisal Dropdown and Select “APPRAISAL FORM”
Building an Assessment Step 1
Building an Assessment Step 2
Create an Appraisal Form Name
Select a period or time frame for review. You build this option out in advance by clicking on “ADD APPRAISAL CYCLE”
Build a Description of the Appraisal
Select the “ADD COMPETENCY” option to begin loading your appraisal
View of Completed Details
Building an Assessment Step 3
Building an Assessment Step 4
Competencies are more broad based than Parameters. Under the heading of Problem Solving Skills you could have a number of individual Parameters that are aligned with the Competency Next to each Competency you have the ability to “ADD PARAMETER”
Building an AssessmentStep 5
Create Parameter Name
Create Parameter Description
Create a Rating Type
Building an Assessment Step 6
As shown below, there are multiple Parameters that fall under Problem Solving Skills
Selecting Parameters
Open “TOTAL PARAMETERS” and Select those that you want to use for this specific appraisal category.
You can use this all of be selective.
Choosing Parameters
To choose all Parameters listed under this Competency, click on the Top “SELECT” option
If you are choosing selected Parameters, click on the box to the left of the Parameter name
You will also need to weight each Parameter to a total of 100%
Appraisal Options
Each Appraisal form you build is listed here. If you have assigned they are noted as “FORM SENT” Otherwise they are noted as “DRAFT FROM”
Preview Form
Save as New Form allows you to duplicate and edit a sent appraisal form
Edit Form
Assign another person to an appraisal already sent.
Assign and Review Appraisals
Appraise Employee
Review Appraisal